Company Values

Company Values 25 Oct 2016 / Albert Assad   When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 it was close to bankruptcy.  He told the employees that Apple would have to return to its core values.  “What we’re about isn’t making boxes for people to get their jobs done,” Jobs said.  “Our core value is […]

Defining Your Company’s Purpose

Defining Your Company’s Purpose 27 Sep 2016 / Albert Assad   Importance of Articulating and Assimilating your Mission Imagine you woke up this morning and out of the blue you said, “Honey, kids, we are taking a long vacation!  Jump into the car ‘cause we are going to the airport!”  Then they ask perplexed, “Where […]

Elements of a Successful Strategic Plan

Elements of a Successful Strategic Plan 26 Jul 2016 / Albert Assad   Before going sailing for my first, I tried making sure I had everything I needed to have a successful and enjoyable ride.  I was exited and ready to go.  When I got to the harbor, it was a gorgeous sunny San Francisco […]

4DX Focus Method

4DX Focus Method 28 Jun 2016 / Albert Assad   5 years ago, when I worked in a financial consulting firm focused on strategic financial long-term planning for billion dollar-size organizations, a very wise white haired senior consultant, a sort of mentor for me, introduced me to a book he highly recommended to me.  At […]

Intentionality vs Opportunistic

Intentionality vs Opportunistic 31 May 2016 / Albert Assad   In all the years that I’ve been working with businesses from very large to very small I’ve noticed that in many cases (more than one would feel comfortable admitting), even with very successful ones, they have a subconscious opportunistic work approach. Let me explain what […]

Prioritizing is not strategizing

Prioritizing is not strategizing 26 Apr 2016 / Albert Assad   A few weeks ago I was invited by the Bank of North Georgia to attend the 2016 Economic Forecast Presentation at Cobb Energy Center.  Great event by the way!  To my great surprise I ran into a business owner whom I assisted in a […]

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning 29 Mar 2016 / Albert Assad   Holiday Traffic.  Everyone fears it like the plague.  Then people start thinking, when is the right moment to leave to I don’t get stuff in it?  It’s all about timing.  And I make sure I move my schedule around to guarantee I finish whatever I have […]

Introduction to 4DX Focus Blog

Introduction to 4DX Focus Blog 23 Feb 2016 / Albert Assad   So the adventure begins!  Some months ago I left my previous job with the intention of looking for a new one.  Soon after I left, to my surprise, a few business owners who found out I had left (I’m still amazed at how […]

Welcome to ACS’ website!

Welcome to ACS’ website! 26 Jan 2016 / Albert Assad   Every time I pass by a harbor I am impressed by all the boats anchored. The most impressive one always seem to be sailboats. One particular thing about them are the windows. They are small and round, almost fostering a sense of I want […]

Creating a Mission Statement

Creating a Mission Statement 30 Aug 2016 / Albert Assad   “What makes my heart sing?” Believe it or not this is the question that made all the difference for Steve Jobs. This question is a lot different than the one we usually ask, “What do I do?” and so is the answer.  We all […]