Strategic Planning

29 Mar 2016 / Albert Assad  

Holiday Traffic.  Everyone fears it like the plague.  Then people start thinking, when is the right moment to leave to I don’t get stuff in it?  It’s all about timing.  And I make sure I move my schedule around to guarantee I finish whatever I have to do to get out on time.
So, why is it that when it comes to strategic planning business owners have such a hard time making time for it?  It’s called being controlled by the whirlwind (traffic).  There is so much chaos day-to-day that you just can’t get out of it; or at least you think so.  It takes an act of God to make you move.
In other cases, business owners think, “I don’t need a strategic plan. I started my business without one and it’s going great”.  That may be but ask yourself this, “Could I have done better if I had a clear plan earlier in the game?”
It’s been proven that when a business owner has a strategic plan he is so much more successful.  So, when is the right moment to create a strategic plan?  Well, if you don’t have one, the right moment is now.  The clearer you know where you are headed the better you can avoid traffic.  Do you know where your company is headed.  Let me ask it in another way with these qualifying questions:

  • Are you working like crazy and don’t feel like you are accomplishing too little?
  • Where do you see you company 5 years from now? How about 10 years from now?
  • Do you know how to get there?

Find the right time to start working on your strategic plan.  It’s the best way to avoid and minimize your time the coming traffic so you can maximize your quality of life.



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